Foods For Gorgeous Skin

Written by Auriane Hurtes,

Between the cabin’s low humidity and being away from your daily habits, how can you still maintain beautiful and healthy skin while discovering more of our planet’s magic or travelling to visit a loved one? Below are some simple tips that will prove it’s easier than you may think.

The secret to beautiful skin is nourishing it from the inside! Keeping hydrated is crucial to counteracting the low cabin humidity so avoid diuretics such as alcohol, coffee, and tea and make sure to regularly drink water throughout the flight (minimum 1 cup/250ml per hour). As well as contributing to your water intake, fruits and vegetables contain nutrients essential to a healthy skin. These include:

* Antioxidants fight free radicals, delaying the aging process of the skin

* Beta-carotene (pre cursor of vitamin A) gives the skin strength and glow

* Fatty acids can treat certain disorders such as eczema

Whether ingested or applied externally, the following super foods are particularly noteworthy:

* Pomegranate oil is rich in antioxidants, notably vitamin E, polyphenols and unsaturated fatty acids which stimulate cell renewal. Effectively, pomegranate oil stimulates skin regeneration, delaying the onset of wrinkles, and firms the epidermis.

* Acai berries, very rich in vitamin C, are a favored suggestion by dermatologists to prevent blemishes and dark spots. How? They boost the production of collagen, a protein responsible for the skin’s strength and elasticity. Consequently, they help maintain normal skin pigmentation, for instance following prolonged sun bathing!

* Goji berries, nicknamed ‘happiness fruit’ in Asia, not only boost the immune system and help against fatigue but they also stimulate the production of collagen under the skin. They diminish the effects of time on our skin, limiting the appearance of wrinkles. Moreover, the berries are rich in beta-carotene (pre-cursor to vitamin A), well known for giving our skin a radiant glow.

* Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a saturated fatty acid, much appreciated by our hair. While protecting our hair from external aggression, it also has a structural effect, reconstructing the capillary fibre and beneficially replacing silicones.      

Keep in mind a lack of sleep affects your immune system. This, in turn, affects your hair and nails, which are a reflection of your general state and any nutritional deficiencies. In case of malnutrition, the human body will favor certain vital parts at the expense of nails and hair, which will be brittle, weak, and pale. For instance, the intake of iron and vitamin B must be sufficient to have nails that are robust and in perfect health.

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